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Essential Gear for Self-Defence and Krav Maga Training

Here is a list of gear useful when practicing Krav Maga. The first section lists all the gears that every student should have. The second is recommended gear that is mandatory for the advanced class. All students who intend to train seriously should possess the gear in this list too. The second section lists optional gears.

The brand does not matter. Pictures are only displayed to provide an example.

There is a bunch of places where you can get the gear. Here are couple of places in no specific order:


Groin guard

This is the number one protective gear that you need to practice Krav Maga.


Many practitioner like steel protection. That said cheaper ones are also suitable and may even have the advantage of protecting a wider area.

Here are examples of a steel and more basic cup.

Steel cup groin guard for male Krav Maga practitioners

Steel Cup Groin Guard

Basic groin guard suitable for Krav Maga training

Basic Groin Guard


Women too need protection. Most protection aren't steel protection and a more basic one is usually good enough.

Protective groin guard designed for female Krav Maga practitioners

Shin guard

Shin guards are handy protections while practicing defenses against kicks as well as when we are sparring.

Soccer / rugby shin guards are not suitable as they only protects the person wearing them. We want something that has got some padding so it also protects your partners.

There is mainly 2 types.

Shin guard providing protection during Krav Maga sparring

Some protects the shin only. The foot is still exposed but they come with the advantage of being easier to carry.

Comprehensive shin and foot guard for enhanced protection

Some protects the shin as well as the foot. They provide more coverage.

MMA gloves

MMA gloves are handy for light sparring and when we decide to work with more intensity. Any brand will do. Here is a simple example.

There is mainly 2 types.

MMA gloves suitable for light sparring in Krav Maga

KMG T-Shirt

Krav Maga Global t-shirt are the official training shirt. They are sold for 60NZD each. Just ask me and I'll get them from our director for you.

Official Krav Maga Global training t-shirt


Mouth guard

Any mouth guard will do. There are many brands and price.

Essential mouth guard for dental protection during Krav Maga training

Boxing gloves

Boxing gloves are used for hard sparring, practicing shielding defenses against strong attacks. They also come handy while doing some strike work, to avoid changing pads multiple time.

Any brand or model with a 16oz level of protection will do.

16oz boxing gloves for Krav Maga sparring and strike practice


KMG Shorts

These shorts are handy to train, especially in warm weather.

Krav Maga Global training shorts for comfortable practice

KMG Trousers

Especially ideal when working on the ground. The trousers will protect you from small burns.

Krav Maga Global training trousers ideal for ground work

Chest guard

Krav Maga is contact activity and some techniques require close proximity with your partner. Some women may feel more comfortable wearing protection. This comes handy when sparring.

I found 2 types of protections: one piece or with inserts.

Cool guard type breast protector for female Krav Maga practitioners

Breast Guard - Cool guard type

Econoguard breast and chest protector for added safety during training

Econoguard Breast & Chest Protector